不穏だがスタイリッシュな日本版ポスターが完成!ゾンビ映画の原点にして金字塔『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 4Kリマスター版』6/17(金)公開

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ジョージ・A・ロメロ監督による“ゾンビ映画”の原点にして金字塔が4K に!



『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 4Kリマスター版』日本版ポスター

鮮明によみがえった『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 4K リマスター版』

© 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved. “NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.

2017年にこの世を去ったホラー映画の巨匠、ジョージ・A・ロメロ監督が1968年に友人らと生んだ長編デビュー作にして、現代のあらゆる「ゾンビもの」の原点・元祖である『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド』(68)。そんな、ゾンビ映画の金字塔を世界中の名作をレストアしリリースしている米クライテリオン・コレクション社が2016年にジョージ・A・ロメロ(原案・脚本・監督)&ジョン・A・ルッソ(共同脚本)らの監修により4Kデジタルレストア。サウンドトラックに関してもロメロ監督らの監修で新たに修復し、画も音も鮮明に、かつてない迫力でよみがえった『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 4Kリマスター版』が、6月17日(金)よりシネマート新宿、立川シネマシティほか全国順次公開される。

4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.




『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 4Kリマスター版』は、6月17日(金)より、シネマート新宿・立川シネマシティほか全国順次公開。

4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.


4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.


4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.
4K restoration © 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.

『ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビングデッド 4Kリマスター版』




原案・脚本・監督:ジョージ・A・ロメロ  共同脚本:ジョン・A・ルッソ  製作:カール・ハードマン、ラッセル・ストライナー  撮影・編集:ジョージ・A・ロメロ

音楽:ウィリアム・ルース、フレッド・シュタイナー  特殊効果:トニー・パンタネラ、レジス・サーヴィンスキー

原題:NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD/1968年/アメリカ/96分/モノクロ/スタンダード

提供:是空 ハピネット・メディアマーケティング  配給:アンプラグド


© 2017 Image Ten, Inc. All rights reserved.“NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the George Lucas Family Foundation and the Celeste Bartos Preservation Fund.

6.17(金)より シネマート新宿ほか全国順次公開


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